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"Life is fabulous when you're curious."

My Childhood Stories

Set in India at these locations:
Vadodara, Mumbai & Village of Luna

Available Now!

Curious One Memoir Book Cover

Mystic Book Club Event

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Mystic Branch/Zoom

2 Water Street

Mystic, CT 6355

January 26, 2022

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Mystic Shares The Childhood Story Of A Submarine Design Engineer

Luna Talav
village of luna
Curious ones keeping busy
Luna Talav
Village of Luna Gujarat India

My Book

Curious One Available Now!

Curious One Memoir Book Cover

The chunk of red brick turned into a powdery splatter like an exploded star. Voila! He had just invented a new game. Throwing bricks onto the pavement again and again, he made several powdery stars…“Why don’t you throw one piece to our side of the street?” I called out. To our mutual delight, he complied. This time, the splatter looked different, more like the spread of a peacock feather in a red monotone…Soon, we were master artists together. There was one key trick for dodging an incoming projectile, and agility was of paramount importance…I dodged. “Splat!” a peacock!




Oh, the monkey in me could not be left behind…Our teacher still had not arrived. So, I climbed up again. More confident and very emboldened, I jumped to the next bench. Now why turn around? I thought to myself. Why not jump to the next one?…The last bench where I was supposed to stop and turn around happened to be a little wobbly. The wobble and my skill did not match…I went, downwards, headfirst, with my hands spread apart. But the corner of the bench was in the path for my downward trajectory. Clunk!




Zavarba pulled me in and held me tight. I did not resist…I listened to her voice so soothing and soft, but the room’s sounds magnified some unknown ones, teasing my ears. I had never heard some of these noises, so they were hard for me to ignore. All the while, I was trying to process what she was saying. I abruptly pulled away from her embrace, staring directly into Zavarba’s eyes. She had just said that an old cobra still visited the house. My mind couldn’t grasp the idea. “What? A snake in the house?” 

Walked Begin a New Journey Poem

Walked Away Begin a New Journey

Walking Away

From whom I love

Is it right,

Simply to walk away?


For strength I seek

One hard decision

Easy it’s not,

To simply walk away


Those who leave,

Leave memories,

May get faded,

Since they walked away


Trust your opinion,

Change later if you must,

It’s a “Circle of Life”

Just walk away


Fully laden cart

Rolled down dirt road,

Dust-cloud remains!

For it ran away


Though it might,

Time may heal,

I become what I may,

For walking away


Love to keep you,

In my memory bank

Nestled in my heart,

Because I walked away



Be happy,

Just forgive me,

As I walk away!


Reviews from readers!

Wonderful engaging background scenes...brought all things together from a little boy's perspective...oral story brought to written words!

Cynthia Davidson

Author of The Importance of Paris

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